Developing Order

— Primitive Age —

Various Wanderers and Nomads form temporary hunting and gathering sites as they try to make sense of their environment and circumstances. Technology is almost nonexistent. This is the time for recognizing the natural leaders of the group.

Communist Government

— Settlement Age —

After discovering agriculture, the group settles in a permanent location and advance their technologies to start a community.

Capitalist State

— Feudal Age —

The settlement becomes more advanced and developed into a city-state. 2 different ideas of government form, causing the group to split in 2.

Caste System

— Industrial Age —

The group is advanced enough to allow free-enterprise and several companies form around a currency. New coalitions have formed. Who will Reign?

Class & Professions

Players may not put more than 5 Free Points into a chosen stat. * Players may choose how to balance the specified stats of the Primary and Secondary choices

Laborer: Strong backed and skillful, you toiled the land as a Forester, Miner, Loader, Farmhand or Worker of some sort. Primary Stats - 60 points into carry weight and crafting effectiveness Secondary Stats - 20 points into stamina and fortitude Free Stats: 20 points   *

Hermit: Well rounded and reclusive, you were a wanderer, scholar or outsider. Primary Stats - 40 points into crafting effectiveness Free Stats - 60 points

Scout: Nimble and enduring, you were a woodsman of various sorts. Primary Stats - 60 points into speed and stamina Secondary Stats - 20 points into food, water and fortitude Free Stats - 20 points

Fighter: Hardy and Strong. You were a Brawler, Ruffian, Warrior, Raider, Guard or Axe for Hire. Primary Stats - 60 points into melee and health Secondary Stats - 20 points into stamina and fortitude Free Stats - 20 points

― Farmer ―

Field Farmer

  • Baker: Wheat/Camilla
  • Brewer: Barley/Bees


  • Leaf Gardener: Cabbage/Spinach
  • Root Gardener: Savoroot/Rockarrot
  • Vine Gardener: Grape/Tomato

Livestock Herder

  • Chicken Coop: (Dodo) Poultry/Feathers
  • Pig Sty: (Phiomia) Bacon/Fat
  • Sheep Pen: (Ovis) Mutton/Wool
  • Cattle Corral: (Trike) Spare Ribs
  • Penguin Pen: (Kairuku) Prime Meat 

Animal Handler

  • Stablemaster: (Breeds/sells Horses)
  • Kennelmaster: (Breeds/sells Dogs)
  • Pet Keeper: (Breeds/sells shoulder mounts)

― Artisan ―

― Scout ―

― Hermit ―

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