— The Last Legion —

"Fear not, 'The Golden Age' is before us, not behind us."

The Romans are one. They function as a unit to thrive and expand. The several Forts are self-sustainable, and there are no specific roles in the Forts. There is a military ranking system, and each man is capable of doing any job. When a task arises, a leader will task the men with completing it as an organized group. They run convoys to the Aristocracy to provide them with a tribute of goods from food to weapons.

- Major Faction Ranks -

The Aristocracy

Tribe Color: Red/Gold

Rank 3 - Legate

Military Commander and Governor of the Legion, His Centurions man his Forts and lead the Cohorts across the District.

Rank 2 - Praetorian

The Elite Guard and personal companions to the Legate. Very exclusive role.

Rank 1 - Scout Captain

Head of expeditions outside the walls: hunting, taming, exploring etc.

Rank 0 - Quartermaster

Keeps the Cohorts structured and organized, ensuring everyone and everything is in order.

— Sub Tribes —

Command your own cohort within your district...

Each of the Cohorts mans a Fort and functions the same as the next, with the Soldiers sharing and distributing the workload amongst themselves. The Cohort is led by a Centurion, who is the Lieutenant in charge of the Fort, his men are the Scouts and Legionnaires. Plebians, and then Hastati, aspire to become a scout or soldier to help further the Legion's cause.

First Cohort

A squad of Soldiers charged with the occupation of a Fort. Led by a Centurion. They occupy a piece of land to hold territory for the Legion. If the Legate deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Alpha Rex Trophy

Second Cohort

A squad of Soldiers charged with the occupation of a Fort. Led by a Centurion. They occupy a piece of land to hold territory for the Legion. If the Legate deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Alpha Wyvern Trophy

Third Cohort

A squad of soldiers charged with the occupation of running a Fort. Led by a Centurion. A tribe who produces Utilities, Medical brews, and Narcotics. If the Legate deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Broodmother Trophy

Cohort Ranks

(4) Centurion - Officer placed in charge of a Cohort. His command is respected.

(3) Legion Scout - Their time is spent outside the Fort scouting and hunting.

(2) Legionnaire - The Soldiers, builders, and craftsmen of the Fort. They are the backbone of the Legion.

(1) Hastati - Low ranking soldiers tasked with the constant maintenance of the Fort from farming to keeping fires lit.

(0) Plebian - Recruits charged with the back breaking labor and errand running.

**You can tame any dino you like but each District has preferred dinos that fit the profile of their culture.

Preferred Dinos for Romans:



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