
To join the server you and your friends must get familiar with this season's theme and rules. Once you've gone over everything fill out the recruitment application located at the bottom of the page.

— Rules —

There are no exceptions for rule breaks. You will be banned immediately. Please take the time to read these rules thoroughly so everyone will be able to enjoy a safe server.

  1. Respect - Always have "Value of Life" and Respect RP. Be respectful of others on the Server and on Discord; racist remarks, personal insults or verbal attacks are strictly prohibited! *We should all know that line you shouldn't cross when joking around* Failure to adhere to or respect the guidelines of your Tribe Leader could lead to you being banished from your tribe without gear, weapons, or dinos. If an Admin deems it necessary, you could be banned from the server. Out of Respect for Roleplay, anything that happens on ArkHaven is usually final. At some point this season, a server event may cause the destruction of your base upon failure to defend it properly. Some players may find disappointment in defeat. But the only challenge we orchestrate is survival. To the victor go the spoils.
  2. Alias - Your In-Game Name may not contain special characters unless they are part of your name. (Example: "Übbe". Here's an example of what not to do: "~*D1cK I8r4IN*~"). No Offensive names or pictures. Admins will change your name if you do not comply with the guidelines. Your Discord Username must be the same as your Xbox Gamertag. Your Discord "Nickname" must be exactly the same as your in-game name.
  3. Forbidden Dino: Bronto & Giga. Some saddles (like flyers) may be disabled during the first few Ages of our timeline. You must complete the server events to progress.
  4. Plant X Limitations - Turrets are not to be spammed. You can have tower defenses or they can be placed in sets of up to 4 plots on top of a building no smaller than a 4x4.  (This is to prevent lag)
  5. Raid Limitations - No Bitching about being raided. Offline raid prevention is enabled. No Base Wiping/Combat Logging/Meta Gaming/Exploiting. Never kill someone without engaging in RP first or having valid reasoning. If you die in combat you cannot return to the fight unless the fight is at your base.
    *No picking enemies with Flying tames*: This rule is simple. Flyers can only fight flyers. (See Rule 11.)

    *No Dumping* take only what you need, do not drop what you can't carry. Attempt to leave valuables you cannot carry in the nearest smithy if accessible.

  6. *No Griefing* - A 12 Hour Raid Timer goes into effect after a raider leaves for 15 minutes or more. Continuous raiding, meaning returning before 12 hours, will be considered griefing. If the server crashes during a battle, do not engage until both parties reconnect. No excessive or unnecessary damage; it's required to create only one entrance into a hold or base and one exit (only if needed). Always remember, this is an RP server.

  7. Passive Tames: Killing another player's creatures is only allowed under the occurrence of RP in which the owner is actively involved or in self-defense. You are not to kill a dino that is on Passive. Any tames rode into battle are considered battle mounts. If you store things on passive dinosaurs, they are still subject to being tranqed out and the items being stolen.

  8. Clutter & Building Limitations - No random foundations, abandoned structures, or abandoned rafts. These will be removed by Admins without notice. In an attempt to maintain server performance we ask that you refrain from constructing massive projects without the approval of our Admin team.

  9. Respect The Territories - Do not build/trespass near or around "disputed lands" unless a Faction specifically requests a trade or a job with you. If you are caught in enemy territory, expect to be approached and/or captured based on rp standards. Max time to hold a prisoner is 2 real hours. (Cage, Base, Handcuffs, Tranq. Cool-down for re-caging 2 hours. If the victim comes back to attack, the cooldown is off.)
  10. Role Play - In any form of engagement, we require you engage in role play. There may be natural disasters that occur on the server as well. The world is constantly moving and changing. You must remain in character at all times and adapt to the changes. Do not utilize [local] chat for OOC (out-of-character) conversation. Discord Off_Topic channel is the only place for OOC engagement.


Read over the rules then submit your application.You must join our discord and wait for the server host to add you back in order to join the server. You'll receive the link to our discord when your application is approved...

*Tips, guidelines, and rules for your back-stories: You must pick a timeline and location on EARTH. Anywhere from 10,000 B.C to 1800's. - Your character must be realistic. - Your name must fit your chosen timeline and culture. - While being a warrior or a multi-talented individual is welcome, all characters cannot be Kratos or some godlike person. Be grounded in reality. Do research. - Your story must include info leading up to a mysterious event that causes a blinding flash or blacking out. - Do not include any info about after you wake up or about an Ark.

If your application is approved you will speak with the owner and will be granted access to the server after joining our Discord channel. This brief orientation process is to ensure that you know the rules before joining so you can be sure every player you encounter knows the rules as well (If you join and happen to get kicked, it's probably because you haven't completed these steps). Check Discord periodically to receive notice of announcements, events, updates, etc. It's the best way to communicate.


We've put a lot of time and effort into this server and hope that our players can immerse themselves in their cultures the way they intend to. We add pvp elements because we enjoy pvp. We also love role-playing, building, and creating compelling gameplay that provides a very immersive experience. We ask that all of our members, old and new, respect the time and effort we all put into this server by following the rules so they can help us continue to provide a safe & fun server. "Survivors only"! Have Fun!

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