— Emperor's Chosen —

Way of the Warrior

'The Chosen' utilize the Feudal Japan Caste System. Goods are produced in bulk by the Provinces, sent to the Shogunate who then distributes the goods evenly throughout the Faction.

- Major Faction Ranks -

The Shogunate 

Tribe Color: Black

Rank 5 - Shogun 将軍

A dominant warlord and capable military leader, he has several Daimyo and many Samurai loyal to his cause.

Rank 4 -  Daku Samurai   大名

Commanders of the Samurai forces, they are the most elite warriors and personal guards of the Shogun. They wear black tinted armor.

Rank 2 - Shinobi  越中

Stealth warriors and expert marksmen. They are rangers, spies and sometimes assassins, spending much time outside the Provinces. Takes orders directly from the Shogun.

Rank 1 - Bugyō   奉行

A Magistrate and Marshall of sorts. Travels the Provinces, taking account of the state of the Territories, ensuring order and reporting to the Shogun.

Rank 0 - Conscripts  徴兵

General laborers and workers awaiting placement in a Province.

— Sub Tribes —

Command your own province within your district...

The Provinces house men of professions, providing their various services to the Samurai cause.

Akai Province

A Province of the Shogunate who's Samurai wear black and yellow tinted armor, led by a Daimyo.

  • Samurai Role:
  • * Hunter - Provides creature harvested materials
  • Farmer Role:
  • *Kagaku (Chemist) - Provides narcotics and brews.
  • Artisan Role:
  • *Blacksmith - Provides metal goods such as tools, weapons, and utilities
  • Merchant Role:

If the Shogun deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Alpha Rex Trophy

Kiiro Province

A Province of the Shogunate who's Samurai wear black and red tinted armor, led by a Daimyo.

  • Samurai Role:
  • *Hunter - provides creature harvested materials
  • Farmer Role:
  • *Field Farmer - Provides, in bulk, the-most-essential crops to all the provinces: Rice and Tea.
  • Artisan Role:
  • *Carpenter - Provides a wide array of Wooden Structures.
  • Merchant Role

If the Shogun deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Alpha Wyvern Trophy

Shiro Province

A Province of the Shogunate who's Samurai wear black and white tinted armor, led by a Daimyo.

  • Samurai role:
  • *Hunter - provides creature harvested materials
  • Farmer Role:
  • *Gardener - Provides several types of vegetables
  • Artisan Role:
  • *Mason - Provides a wide array of Stone Structures.
  • Merchant Role:

If the Shogun deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Broodmother Trophy

Province Ranks

(4) Daimyo - A Landlord, chosen by the Shogun to run a Province. They gift the Shogun with goods produced by their Province.

(3) Samurai - A coveted title, these Noble Warriors are hand-chosen by the Daimyo as their Hunters.

(2) Farmer - An important role within the District, these producers supply the Shogun with crops, fertilizer, and kibble.

(1) Artisans - The craftsmen of the Provinces

(0) Merchant - Considered the lowest of the peasants because their living is made off of the work of others. They are tasked with assisting with the production of goods provided for the Shogunate as well as spending the rest of their time gathering basic resources for their province to earn a promotion.

**Magistrates Requests**

(1.) Each province Artisan is required to build a large dino pen and set up at least 12 Plant X within their province.

  • You can make towers but be sure to cover the line of sight.
  • The dino pen must be big enough to house a rex.

(2.) Each province Hunter is required to provide 1000 Cementing Paste each, & ensure their OWN province is supplied with meat and berries for the feeding trough and Chitin/Keratin they can access each day.

*Additional job this week: Set up a small egg farm for specific kibble.

Akai - Pulmonoscorpius Eggs> Rex Eggs; The goal is to acquire high-level Rex's and Quetzals and breed them so that each province has at least one.

Kiiro - Oviraptor Eggs> Megalosaurus Eggs; The goal is to acquire 2 high-level Therizinosaurus' and breed them so that each Province has at least one.

Shiro - Carno Eggs; Dilo Eggs; Gallimimus Eggs; The goal is to acquire high-level Dire Bears and breed them so that each province has at least one. (They can reach 25k HP in a few levels so we will utilize this.) Also to make it easier to tame harvesting dinos.

(3.) Each province Farmer is required to provide 100 Fertilizer each & ensure their OWN province is supplied with a grill full of food they can access each day.

Akai - Provide 1000 Narcotics, 50 Medical Brews

Kiiro - Provide 20 Beer Jars, 50 Cooked Meat Jerky, 50 Prime Meat Jerky

Shiro - Provide 25 citronal, 25 Rockcarrot, 25 Savoroot, 25 Longrass, 50 Rice, 20 Shadow Steak Saute

**You can tame any dino you like but each District has preferred dinos that fit the profile of their culture.

Preferred Dinos for Samurai:



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