— Sons of Odin —

"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails."

The Norsemen thrive on trade within their culture. Each Clan is responsible for providing a certain type of goods for the other Clans.

- Nordic Ranks -

Bear Clan

Tribe Color: Blue/White

Rank 4 - Jarl

Leader of the Norsemen and Head of the Bear Clan. He employs Chieftains across the North.

Rank 3 - Housecarl

The personal guard and greatest Warrior of the Norsemen.

Rank 2 - Great Thane

The Marshall of the Northern District. Ensures order and productivity.

Rank 1 - Shaman

Spiritual leader and head of rituals and ceremonies. Crafts narcotics and rare brews.

Rank 0 - Captain

Commands the ships, scouts, trades, explores and navigates.

— Sub Tribes —

Command your own clan within your district...

The Norsemen thrive on trade within their culture. Each Clan is responsible for providing a certain type of goods for the other Clans.

Wolf Clan

Clan of the Jarl, led by a Chieftain. They supply the other Clans with meat and livestock.


* Shepard - Herds Phiomia, Ovis and Dodos. 

* Butcher - Slaughters the livestock.

If the Jarl deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Alpha Rex Trophy

Mammoth Clan

They supply the other Clans with crops, vegetables, food and drink.


* Farmer - Tends to the field and garden.

* Brewer - Produces mead and ale.

* Inn-keep (Cook) - Creates food recipes.

If the Jarl deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Alpha Wyvern Trophy

Rhino Clan

They supply the other Clans with tools, weapons, armor and gear.


*Hunter - Brings in creature harvested goods from hunts.

*Blacksmith - Metal-worker.

*Outfitter - Tanner and craftsman.

*Craftsman - Wood and Stone-worker.

If the Jarl deems them capable of protecting a Relic, they'll carry the Broodmother Trophy

Clan Ranks

(3)  Chieftain - Head of their Clan.

(2) Thane - Greatest warrior of a Clan.

(1) Karl - A Freeman and Viking of equal status.

(0) Thrall - Laborer of low-status that gathers resources

**You can tame any dino you like but each District has preferred dinos that fit the profile of their culture.

Preferred Dinos for Vikings:

>Dire Bears


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